I haven't written a blog post since second semester of junior year. Shame on me! My apologies. Life has taken me from the heart of the district to back home in the big apple to the west coast (for now, at least) -- Orange County. You may have heard of it. We've all grown up with the popular Newport beach kids - Ryan, Marissa, Summer and Seth. (Oh, how I would love to find me a Seth right now!) Yup, that's my new home (well, close to home).
I live in Irvine, CA with my amazingly wonderful family. Irvine is about just 10 minutes away from Newport, an hour south of L.A. and an hour and a half north of San Diego. I live with my aunt and uncle and two little monsters. I thought Flushing had a huge Asian influence...Irvine is no different. I have probably consumed the most Asian food (besides my mom's cooking) on a daily basis. I partly blame my Edwards colleagues, but I do adore them. I love them for introducing me to the authentic food. I'm pretty sure they make fun of me for trying too hard to fit in. I can't say I'm quite there yet, but I am getting better with remembering all the traditional names. I remember happy hour at Nooshi's every week and the food being spectacular. I have news for you to those back home, the sushi is much better here...although the one thing I do miss is the college crowd at happy hour. I guess now I would fit into the young professional or the single's crowd (Please don't call me baby, sugar, honey if you are meeting me for the first time at a bar, thanks!)
Food apart, I have always pictured my life in California as an adventure, not really knowing what I'm getting myself into. So far, I haven't been disappointed yet. I am just working hard, having fun and taking this whole experience in because I don't know when I will turn a dark alley or hit a wall. I absolutely love the people I've met here. Each and everyone has a great story and something that makes it so special about them. I'll admit that this internship was a fluke. I was getting ready to travel europe with my three besties. And, the tables turned on me. It was hard giving up something I knew I wanted so badly. So, I thought here's my chance. Again, the whole traveling business had to be put on hold for now.

I started my internship at Edwards Lifesciences in HVT Quality. I immediately clicked with my boss (we both watch the bachelor/ette and love to run...how perfect!) The assignment has been progressing for the most part and I really hope to complete it before the end of this month. Hey, B.O.B, I could really use a wish right now. And, in the midst of working hard and getting to know the corporate business and its employees, I interviewed for two jobs. I landed a job in Critical Care, which I will be starting this Monday. According to Darrell Le, I'm in a TDP internship program. It sounds like one for sure. It certainly felt strange leaving my nest and going to another building. I've always wanted to be in the T&D building. I always thought it's where the cool kids were. I just hope the move works well and that it could turn into a full-time position by the end of the year. It's definitely a risk, but one that's worth taking. Nothing comes easy, right?!? Plus, I could really use that money since I'm financing a 2010 Corolla (woo hoo) thanks to Aslam uncle. Wish me luck! Unfortunately, it does not come with a moon roof, but it does have blue tooth.
Lastly, I wanted to give a shout out to the people I've met here: Juliecakes, Anniegy, Andy Hyundai Lee, Jeeves, Joshy, Alex, Devin, Jordan, Willy and others who have made my life in California really enjoyable so far. Thank you for making me feel like I fit right in, but let's be real, I'm that gal from the district and will still call it my home years from now. Although those memories and my friends back home are irreplaceable, I have made new memories and new friends that I cherish and enjoy my time with. Here are a few memorable moments of my time here in California. I will keep ya'll updated every week or two from now on, I promise! And, yes you can hold that against me. I'm dead serious.
Things I have done and places I've been to so far.
1. I took a two-week Bikram yoga class with my colleagues and thank you for introducing it to us, Jeeves. I would have never tried it otherwise. I can't imagine the thought of doing a 90 minute workout in a 45 degree C room with other people sweating all around me. It does really relax you and I hope everyone gets a chance to try it. You might just learn to love it like I did. Ignore the sweat (it's not gonna go away).
2. Lake Arrowhead (cabin camping) with the SoCal family
We spent a weekend at Lake Arrowhead with Shantha aunty and Haridev uncle and the rest of SoCal. It was a fantastic weekend of eating, boozing, playing poker and hanging out by the water. I may have won a hand or two. Goo me!

3. Julie && I went to Tijuana, Mexico to volunteer at an orphanage. We played with them all day long, fed them burritos, washed 'em up. They were so soo soo cute and such a joy to play with. It was my first trip to Mexico!!! The pic is with Alfredo!! You can tell that he was our fav ;)

4. Neetal and I went to Lake Tahoe to spend the weekend by the lake, dining, && gambling. We also took this gondola ride up 9800 ft to see the spectacular view of the entire lake. The water is so clear. We were adventurous and hiked up to 1040 ft from there :-)

5. I went to my first John Mayer concert with friendsies. Owl City opened for them at the Verizon Amphitheatre.
6. Over Labor day weekend, I went to Biiig Sur with my cousin Cherry and her hubby Yash. We camped riverside, drove 400+ miles each way, climbed actual rocks, went hiking and also to a winery. I forgot to mention the awesome chicken Yash grilled and we drank plenty of red stripe to keep us warm (Yea...Maaan)

7. TBD.
I have so much more to tell ya'll, but I will leave it to next time. The wine is wearing off also.
Until next time,
Stay cool!

7. TBD.
I have so much more to tell ya'll, but I will leave it to next time. The wine is wearing off also.
Until next time,
Stay cool!